The Enduring Enterprise Pt. 2, with Devin DeCiantis and Ivan Lansberg
Devin DeCiantis and Ivan Lansberg, the Managing Partner and co-founder respectively of Lansberg Gersick Advisors, continue the discussion of their new book, THE ENDURING ENTERPRISE: How Family Businesses Thrive in Turbulent Conditions, including the possible consequences of the latest US election on family businesses, 7 stabilizing strategies for businesses and organizations, and weighing the "I" vs the "we".
So we don't really like to on this show get too
Gary Michels:political or take sides on anything, but just looking at it
Gary Michels:objectively, this book was written before the most recent
Gary Michels:US presidential election, and that election is now over, and
Gary Michels:it means a change in the administration and possible big
Gary Michels:changes to business. Does that change anything in the book for
Gary Michels:you, or change what you think the outlook is for family
Gary Michels:businesses in the United States? And if so, or if not, what
Gary Michels:impact do you believe this will have going forward?
Devin DeCiantis:It's a great question Gary and obviously a
Devin DeCiantis:sensitive one, but in general, I think it it addresses precisely
Devin DeCiantis:one of the challenges that we wanted to write about in
Devin DeCiantis:anticipation of not just the US election, but over the course of
Devin DeCiantis:2024 more than half of the world, for the first time in
Devin DeCiantis:history, went to the polls to elect their governments, and not
Devin DeCiantis:just in the US, but in many countries. The outcomes of those
Devin DeCiantis:elections were complicated and presented the businesses
Devin DeCiantis:operating in those environments with potentially a very
Devin DeCiantis:different world to navigate the day after the election than the
Devin DeCiantis:day before the election. And part of our aspiration with the
Devin DeCiantis:book was to provide examples from other places where perhaps
Devin DeCiantis:those lurches left or right in the political spectrum or in
Devin DeCiantis:terms of industrial policy might have been more dramatic, but
Devin DeCiantis:they're dramatic with an effect. The effect is that you still
Devin DeCiantis:need to attend to and think about how you're going to
Devin DeCiantis:reposition yourself in the face of, you know, tariff barriers,
Devin DeCiantis:or a change in access to to supply chains that are that are
Devin DeCiantis:competitive, depending on which countries you operate in, and
Devin DeCiantis:the importance of the diversification within those
Devin DeCiantis:supply chains, the importance of redundancy built into your
Devin DeCiantis:inventory and warehousing, the importance of strategic
Devin DeCiantis:simplification in terms of recognizing the impact of
Devin DeCiantis:inflation on your on your business model, and the
Devin DeCiantis:compression on your margins, all of these issues that are dialed
Devin DeCiantis:up to 11 in some environments around The world. You know,
Devin DeCiantis:places where Hyperinflation is ripe are still present here,
Devin DeCiantis:just not at 11, but maybe at seven on the dial. And most
Devin DeCiantis:business leaders are used to a two or a three. So in that
Devin DeCiantis:respect, we've hoped, as we wrote this book and in the
Devin DeCiantis:selection of the cases that we've included, that this would
Devin DeCiantis:be a bit of a new and fresh strategic playbook for leaders
Devin DeCiantis:who are trying to navigate what is undoubtedly going to be among
Devin DeCiantis:the most tumultuous several years in recent American
Devin DeCiantis:history.
Ivan Lansberg:The other thing I think this change highlights for
Ivan Lansberg:me, and I think the book, certainly it builds on this
Ivan Lansberg:concern, is that, let's say you take Elon Musk and have him
Ivan Lansberg:moving to government to cut all the you know, inefficiencies go
Ivan Lansberg:to speed. And, you know, I'm all for being for having an
Ivan Lansberg:efficient government. I think that's terrific, that the
Ivan Lansberg:concept is very nice. But before you move in with a with a
Ivan Lansberg:chainsaw, you really need to pay attention for why those
Ivan Lansberg:inexpiciencies are built into the system, and because if you
Ivan Lansberg:cut them all away, you're basically jacking up risk that
Ivan Lansberg:the institutional stabilizers, as we call them in the book,
Ivan Lansberg:will begin to wither, and before you know it, the US is going to
Ivan Lansberg:start beginning to look more like Guatemala, you know, in
Ivan Lansberg:terms of its its ability, and for business people, the
Ivan Lansberg:implications are huge, like you're pointing out exactly, you
Ivan Lansberg:know. I mean, what will the stars do to our game? What will,
Ivan Lansberg:you know? What will happen when we can count on, you know, in
Ivan Lansberg:theme, to rescue people after a tornado goes by. I mean, once
Ivan Lansberg:you take all that away, if you just slash and burn, you're
Ivan Lansberg:going to be left with just a skeleton or something that
Ivan Lansberg:really does expose the construct of the US to enormous risk.
Gary Michels:It goes back to risk and reward again, what's
Gary Michels:the risk and what's the reward? And if our world can get to a
Gary Michels:spot where we're sitting at the table, whether you're left or
Gary Michels:right, and you're fully saying what's going to be the best for
Gary Michels:the world long term, that's why we all do what we do, right,
Gary Michels:what's a good middle ground that that will be the best for most
Gary Michels:people. Learning from all this, you guys have actually come up
Gary Michels:with seven stabilizing strategies, and I love lists
Gary Michels:that you they can help any organization increase its
Gary Michels:resilience and performance. Would you guys mind sharing
Gary Michels:those?
Devin DeCiantis:Yeah, sure, and thanks Gary for calling it out.
Devin DeCiantis:In fact, we didn't develop these strategies, these strategies we
Devin DeCiantis:identified as recurring among the hundreds of families around
Devin DeCiantis:the world we studied so as we as we went out and tried our best
Devin DeCiantis:to understand this phenomena of enduring enterprises and what
Devin DeCiantis:made them tick and what allowed for them to adapt to these
Devin DeCiantis:tumultuous conditions, we kept coming back to this cluster.
Devin DeCiantis:There were more than seven at one point, but we distilled it
Devin DeCiantis:down to these seven because these were the seven most
Devin DeCiantis:recurring caps. Patterns, and we dedicated in the book one
Devin DeCiantis:chapter to each of these strategies, and included an
Devin DeCiantis:iconic case study that exemplified each of the
Devin DeCiantis:strategies. So, you know, I can list a couple of them here, but
Devin DeCiantis:things like, like redundancy, which feels, again, we use that
Devin DeCiantis:term almost pejoratively, like, oh, that's redundant. We don't
Devin DeCiantis:need that extra infrastructure in order to be able to do what
Devin DeCiantis:we do. But to Yvonne point just now, sometimes efficiencies are
Devin DeCiantis:actually essential for the viability long term of an
Devin DeCiantis:enterprise. And the iconic case that we use in the case of
Devin DeCiantis:redundancy is as a hotel operator, a family controlled
Devin DeCiantis:company in Haiti that's been this at the epicenter of every
Devin DeCiantis:possible social, political, economic and environmental
Devin DeCiantis:disaster you can imagine, over their 50 year leadership of this
Devin DeCiantis:enterprise, and in the face of that, recognizing that at any
Devin DeCiantis:moment, any one of the essential systems that allow for them to
Devin DeCiantis:continue could break down. They have backup generators for their
Devin DeCiantis:backup generators. They have backup communication systems.
Devin DeCiantis:They have backup internet infrastructure. They have backup
Devin DeCiantis:security teams. They have backup in your warehouses of and
Devin DeCiantis:stockpiles of all the essential needs that their that their
Devin DeCiantis:guests might might desire, not just for the time at which
Devin DeCiantis:they're there, but in the event that the entire society
Devin DeCiantis:collapses, as it had in the wake of the big earthquake in recent
Devin DeCiantis:years and now with all sorts of Roman gangs circling through
Devin DeCiantis:Port au Prince. So you recognize that with examples like this,
Devin DeCiantis:that redundancy actually becomes a strategic asset as a pro as
Devin DeCiantis:opposed to a, you know, an expense that is frivolous and
Devin DeCiantis:that needs to be that needs to be reduced. Similarly for
Devin DeCiantis:strategies like migration, it's really about resources at some
Devin DeCiantis:point, in some circumstances. And we use and highlight a case
Devin DeCiantis:from from Syria of an enterprising family whose assets
Devin DeCiantis:were essentially expropriated by the government in in the 1960s
Devin DeCiantis:and they had to migrate. They essentially were, were forced to
Devin DeCiantis:either, you know, live as civilians in country, but not
Devin DeCiantis:with the possibility of of continuing to operate, or
Devin DeCiantis:migrating to neighboring Lebanon and starting back up from
Devin DeCiantis:scratch, using their social capital, their intellectual
Devin DeCiantis:capital, to rebuild an empire that ended up becoming a
Devin DeCiantis:regional champion once again, but in the face of a hostile
Devin DeCiantis:environment that's no longer receptive to your ongoing
Devin DeCiantis:presence there, in some points, you just need to pick up and go.
Devin DeCiantis:You need to know when to hold them and when to fold them and
Devin DeCiantis:when it's time to fold them. You need to pick the appropriate
Devin DeCiantis:destination for that journey, and I say that with a smile,
Devin DeCiantis:knowing that you live in in Vegas...
Ivan Lansberg:Haha, I was just thinking that. But, you know, I
Ivan Lansberg:think one key point Gary is, is that it runs through all of the
Ivan Lansberg:strategies. None of them come for free, and business owners
Ivan Lansberg:are so focused on their operating models appropriately,
Ivan Lansberg:right? So you know you're running a company, 90% of your
Ivan Lansberg:attention is making sure you know the product is out the
Ivan Lansberg:door, the service is provided, and everything is done in the
Ivan Lansberg:most cost effective manner possible. But if you overlook
Ivan Lansberg:also pausing and asking yourself, what risks are we
Ivan Lansberg:taking and what measures might we built into our operating
Ivan Lansberg:models to be able to cushion uncertainty which will come your
Ivan Lansberg:way, one way or another. You know, whether it's 911 whether
Ivan Lansberg:it's COVID, whether it is you know, the new administration,
Ivan Lansberg:whatever it is, something's going to affect and touch your
Ivan Lansberg:business. You better be ready for that, and understand that
Ivan Lansberg:any one of those measures, like a spare tire in a car, you know,
Ivan Lansberg:will take some resources, will occupy space. We'll weigh you
Ivan Lansberg:down a little bit. But in exchange for that, you're upping
Ivan Lansberg:the chances of continuity, which for most family enterprises, and
Ivan Lansberg:very much in tune with your legacy construct is key. That is
Ivan Lansberg:a key priority. So if you want to continue, you better be
Ivan Lansberg:attentive to risk.
Gary Michels:So as you guys know, our insurance companies
Gary Michels:call Southwestern Legacy Insurance Group. Thus, Let's
Gary Michels:Talk Legacy. Legacy is such an important part to what we do
Gary Michels:every day, and when a person purchases insurance, it's
Gary Michels:because they want to leave a legacy for somebody behind. It's
Gary Michels:always an interest to us to understand what legacy means to
Gary Michels:each and every person that we speak with every day. And I'd be
Gary Michels:curious to each of you guys, what legacy means to you.
Devin DeCiantis:That's a great question. And I'd be curious to
Devin DeCiantis:go back and hear how your other guests have answered. In my
Devin DeCiantis:perspective, when I think about legacy, I think about bringing
Devin DeCiantis:forward into the present and carrying into the future those
Devin DeCiantis:aspects or elements of our shared heritage that we want to
Devin DeCiantis:celebrate and that we want to sustain. And it's also
Devin DeCiantis:recognizing. The world around us is changing, and the world in
Devin DeCiantis:which those legacies were first established isn't necessarily
Devin DeCiantis:the world of today or the world of tomorrow, and so that we need
Devin DeCiantis:to also adapt that legacy and bring forth the elements that we
Devin DeCiantis:truly appreciate but embrace, perhaps some novelty and
Devin DeCiantis:innovation that wasn't ever conceived when when the legacy
Devin DeCiantis:was first established.
Ivan Lansberg:And to me, it, you know, I became a grandfather
Ivan Lansberg:seven years ago. And to me, that is, you know, a very important
Ivan Lansberg:motivation to try and reflect on, what can I pass on to my
Ivan Lansberg:grandchildren that will endure. You know, what are the stories,
Ivan Lansberg:what are the values, what are the strategies that have, I've
Ivan Lansberg:seen worked, and that this work actually reflects, you know, an
Ivan Lansberg:inventory of that could be useful to them as they will
Ivan Lansberg:tackle the world they will inherit with full knowledge that
Ivan Lansberg:that world, as Devin suggests, will be quite different from the
Ivan Lansberg:one I've lived.
Gary Michels:Absolutely. Do either of you feel that your
Gary Michels:personal legacies are any different than your work
Gary Michels:legacies?
Devin DeCiantis:It's a great question.
Ivan Lansberg:Great question.
Devin DeCiantis:I mean, I think they're inextricably
Devin DeCiantis:intertwined, certainly at this age and stage in my in my
Devin DeCiantis:career. You know, they're they're inseparable, although, I
Devin DeCiantis:will say, you know, to the extent that we have personal
Devin DeCiantis:lives outside of our professional lives, our most
Devin DeCiantis:authentic selves will will align those, those elements of of your
Devin DeCiantis:person that may be distinct from what's useful in your work, but
Devin DeCiantis:it ought not to run across the grain, otherwise, you're
Devin DeCiantis:probably in the wrong profession.
Gary Michels:The reason that I asked that question is I've seen
Gary Michels:so much lately, so many famous business people, athletes, even
Gary Michels:executives and companies there, for the first time in years,
Gary Michels:start to build their own individual brand, even within
Gary Michels:that company, and it's them letting the world know who they
Gary Michels:are, what their legacy is in the combination of the company or
Gary Michels:the the environment that they're in. That's why I asked you guys,
Gary Michels:do you have some personal legacies that you'd like to see
Gary Michels:accomplished?
Ivan Lansberg:Yeah, I know it's a great question, and I had two
Ivan Lansberg:thoughts on that. One is, you know, there's something so
Ivan Lansberg:important in families, because you're constantly managing the
Ivan Lansberg:relationship between the I, who I am as an individual on the we,
Ivan Lansberg:the identity that we hold together as a group, right? So
Ivan Lansberg:that tension is inherently built into into families. The other
Ivan Lansberg:thought I had about this was a story that I think Warren
Ivan Lansberg:Buffett tells about, you know, some sometime they ask him, so
Ivan Lansberg:how do you define success? And then he says that the person who
Ivan Lansberg:dies with the most friends. And then they asked him, so how do
Ivan Lansberg:you define a friend? And then he says, Well, a friend is and then
Ivan Lansberg:he notes a friend of his who went through the Holocaust,
Ivan Lansberg:right? And says, A friend is somebody who will hide you,
Ivan Lansberg:meaning somebody who will take have enough conviction and
Ivan Lansberg:commitment to you to take a personal risk on your behalf. An
Ivan Lansberg:advocate, basically, an advocate, right? An advocate who
Ivan Lansberg:will protect you when the time comes. Our emphasis on family
Ivan Lansberg:unknown, on unknown risk, basically, in the book, it
Ivan Lansberg:really comes from, you know, being exposed to families
Ivan Lansberg:worldwide, in the US, in Europe, in Asia, in Latin America, in
Ivan Lansberg:Africa, that are just exemplary at managing that tension and
Ivan Lansberg:being able to call forth a collective identity that allows
Ivan Lansberg:them to get you know, that gives them the resiliency they need to
Ivan Lansberg:cope with it, the challenges they face.
Gary Michels:Well, you guys have your new book out now, the
Gary Michels:enduring enterprise. Tell us just briefly about the book and
Gary Michels:where people can get the book, and then also how they can reach
Gary Michels:the two of you if they want to learn more about your company
Gary Michels:and the work that you do.
Devin DeCiantis:Well, thanks, Gary. Should at this point be
Devin DeCiantis:able to get the book pretty much anywhere, or is, you know,
Devin DeCiantis:there's bookstores and Amazon and audible and Kindle and all
Devin DeCiantis:these other formats. At the end of the day, our aspiration with
Devin DeCiantis:that was to get these ideas out to as many people as they could
Devin DeCiantis:possibly benefit. We captured the ideas in the book to
Devin DeCiantis:introduce these counter intuitive notions and to
Devin DeCiantis:establish not only family businesses, but emerging in
Devin DeCiantis:frontier economies as sources of inspiration for business leaders
Devin DeCiantis:everywhere, and we really do hope that over the course of
Devin DeCiantis:this the conversation, as well as if folks end up picking up
Devin DeCiantis:the book and having a read or taking a listen, that they are
Devin DeCiantis:inspired to embrace some of these approaches. And if they
Devin DeCiantis:ever want to reach out to us to talk about them or to think
Devin DeCiantis:about how to apply them, they can reach. Said at LGA or via
Devin DeCiantis:LinkedIn, or many of these other mechanisms of of connecting. But
Devin DeCiantis:most, above all, we really hope these ideas are valuable and
Devin DeCiantis:that folks are able to take them and do good work out there in
Devin DeCiantis:the world.
Ivan Lansberg:Yeah, we believe in the power of ideas, and the
Ivan Lansberg:book is really our attempt at trying to summarize that
Ivan Lansberg:experience and share them with with others. You know, as we
Ivan Lansberg:often think about this, it's it's continues to be a work in
Ivan Lansberg:progress. We don't pretend to have all the answers here, but
Ivan Lansberg:we do want to get people curious about how important continuity
Ivan Lansberg:and resiliency are in building legacies.
Gary Michels:Is there a website or a phone number that they can
Gary Michels:reach you all?
Devin DeCiantis:Absolutely, at, you can reach our
Devin DeCiantis:team. We've got about 40 of us around the world who are wise
Devin DeCiantis:and caring advisors to the world's leading, enterprising
Devin DeCiantis:families, and would love to hear from anybody who wants to
Devin DeCiantis:discuss these topics.
Gary Michels:Awesome. Well, I thank you guys for your time so much.
Ivan Lansberg:Thank you, Gary.
Devin DeCiantis:Thank you Gary.